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Dutch-russian dictionary. 2013.
Dutch-russian dictionary. 2013.
Archaic Dutch declension — was the declensional system of the Dutch language as it was prescribed the Dutch by Dutch grammarians in the 19th century. It was never spoken by Dutch people, but was required as a formality in most forms of writing. It was generally unpopular,… … Wikipedia
Montagsarbeit — Mondtagsarbeit wird nicht wochen alt. – Petri, II, 482. Holl.: Maandags spoed, zelden goed. (Harrebomée, II, 48a.) … Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon
Sonntag — 1. All Dage is kîn Sonndag. (Oldenburg.) – Firmenich, I, 232, 28. 2. Alle Dag Sinndag on ön e Mödd noch e Höllgedag. – Frischbier2, 3536. 3. Am Sinndag grawe öss kein Sünd, denn öck heww e Krîz väre on e Krîz hinge. (Elbing.) – Frischbier2, 3535 … Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon